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Summer Courses
Private Guiding
  Cuillin Guides - Mountaineering and Munro specialists
  Winter Courses

Glencoe, Scotland

5 Day Courses

These courses run from mid January to mid March and are based in the Glencoe and Ben Nevis area.

The winter courses are based at Onich. This is an ideal location for access to these major winterclimbing venues. The excellent local accommodation includes Hotels, B&B, Chalets and Bunkhouses. Let us know your preference, and we can recommend.

Winter courses can also be arranged for the Cuillin of Skye, Torridon and Dundonnell. Please contact us with your back to toprequirements.

Winter Mountaineering Skills
Price £250
Maximum ratio 1:4

An Teallach

This course is a basic introduction to Winter Mountaineering. The course is designed to teach you the skills necessary to operate safely in the hills in winter conditions.
Instruction will include:

Winter navigation
Ice axe arrest
Step cutting
Movement on steep ground both with, and without, crampons
Survival techniques

These new skills can be put into practice as the week progresses, actively re-enforcing the instruction provided.

Winter Mountaincraft
Price £275
Maximum ratio 1:4

Winter Mountaincraft

This course is designed for people with previous winter experience who wish to extend their mountaineering skills. This course takes you over more challenging terrain. It will help build confidence in your skills. During the week, routes such as the Devils Ridge, The Aonach Eagach and Curved Ridge will be attempted. Ice axe self-arrest is practised back to topon the first day.

Snow and Ice Climbing
Price £350
Maximum ratio 1:2

Ben Nevis

Designed for those with basic summer climbing, and winter hill walking, experience. Instruction covers basic ice tool techniques used on Neve and ice. Belay setting in snow and ice, together with ice screw and deadmen placement will be covered.

These new skills will be practised on a range of different climbs. Route choice will be dictated by conditions.

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Mountain Equipment